Ass.War. Wab.
Ass.War. Wab.
In the heart of youth 24 years old that day berkecamuk one thousand kinds of hubbub feeling depressed .... .... .... happy .... fear into the mix .... one day it will be the youth faced with the mother's women in khitbahnya ..... for the first time he will meet with her alone ..... a respite after her husband left by God in the face to raise all children - children .... 4 hour journey in the all - time youth is to ask Allah SWT to give strength and simplicity .... .... with a hope not soon he will find his life support .... And when first the youth met with prospective mothers this law ... didamping his daughter that first ..... question which is very unexpected for the youth of her life who have shown persistence of outline face ..... pemudata very surprised to make it ...... What sampean already work ?....... bu sampun
responsible youth is .... Works where the private companies ?..... more youth with the spirit and pride ..... What job ?..... With a brief that said the youth "salesman" At once the young people see the changes that mimic the face he's disappointed with the full mark and the first daughter while he menimpali want to give explanation to the bundanya lho ...... ..... per bu per ko ....( salesman in Madurese language )..... Youth is a new profession that tersadar salesman at the time .... in 1990 ... still considered a negative by some people ..... can not guarantee the future of the good ..... lineament so disappointed that he .... concerned about daughter's fate will be the candidate's wife is young. Return trip in the heart of youth is the confusion ..... akan concerns do not get a blessing from the mother of a woman who already dikhitbahnya ...... when he has to steady the ship home with fiancee ...... options that have been in istikharahinya ..... God's instructions and according to him either ....... Lapse of two months from the first visit silaturrahim ..... after my daughter that she completed sarjananya and then in the finals ..... ta'arruf youth from families with families of women who have chosen and performed ...... Alhamdulillah ..... proposal is accepted ...... When the procession finished ta'arruf ..... prospective mother-in-law returned the young man approached ....... ask a question of a dilemma to the young people while there is emphasis threatening ..... Here bud ..... a mother is struggling alone to send to prospective women graduates ...... and the field of education kesarjanaannya a mother .... then ask you to give equal opportunity to women candidates aqdun after marriage ..... later to become science educators that the campus from obtaining the benefits have ...... Youth that had upset her because in pikirannya ..... already met the concept of a life ..... housekeep referred from some of the book .... kalsik both contemporary and modern .... ..... that model household akan dijalaninya later .... is that my husband will be working all out ...... outside the home while his wife is not working as employees ...... any akan but can work at home business such as open shops, sewing, etc. while nurture and educate our children later. In confusion ...... youth feel there is a natural mind and show his heart so that he gave answers to questions prospective mother serasa law offshore without the burden in mengucapkannya ...... ... If the mother insyaallah later when God megijinkan and meridloi ..... then I'll make sekolahan for my wife so that she can teach and practice in knowledge ..... to get this while my wife at home alone .... Youth see the smile of peace and quiet of the capital prospective law after listening to the answers ..... even though the youth was only joke origin - derived ..... 12 years after they were married before ...... children - her son ..... both parents are young ..... ...... AND MOTHER law on 13 July 2002 together with the appropriate age of marriage to their 12 ...... ..... they all see the young mother law Institute of Education has launched an Islamic ..... After the event tasyakkur ..... the mother menantunya law about this ...... he utter a soft hug menantunya with weeping .... THANK YOU .... You son have proved what you Pronounce ........ ..... confused the son because he was sure to say what the law is the capital and in the evening ....... after the event that his wife tasyakkur not explain ...... ta'arruf when first ..... mas prior to the mother who promised to make me sekolahan ?...... Subhaanallah .... Apparently the word of youth without the burden of the offshore and abroad - has been derived by the record as a promise of God to a mother who had to be fulfilled ..... and maybe the mother with a smile ...... law since shade listening to the sentence .... considered to be the truth .. ...... ...... dipikirkannya encouraged prostration in prayer night ....... make it as a "highly respected and "..... Allah has ordered universe with tasbihnya. ..... for all the component leads to its establishment ..... ...... hope it becomes reality ...... Subhaanallah ... Until the end of 2008 ..... the very mother-in-law loves the children ..... menantunya still stand to live alone in the house ..... although favored daughter and son-terkasihnya already membujuknya .... merayunya to live together ..... Arrived - arrived he appeared in the final year of the child at home, daughter and grandchildren - his grandchildren ...... walk while menenteng bag .... the default be struck directly by menantunya face with regret why he .... must run ?..... why not just get picked up the phone ?...... he said with a smile ..... I want to see SEKOLAHANMU ...... menantunya then rushing out the car .... . and immediately deliver the capital to see the law ..... sekolahannya where the daughter was led sekolahan ....... He saw ..... ..... the scene which makes it quiet smile ...... he met in 1000 with a student - student .... play .... nursery - and a child .... primary schools who are learning to play ..... and greet him with salaam manisnya ...... all - time he tebar smile for teachers - teachers who are teaching guide and son - daughter didiknya hissing Alhamdulillah ..... all - time out of his mouth ...... stumma Alhamdulillah .... Towards the maghrib his chest felt a bit sick ..... daughter immediately took him to the doctor ..... what does not - what the doctor said ..... when adzan ISYA 'echo ...... he is still seen taking water wudlu lapse of some time ...... ..... tersayang daughter and grandchildren - his grandchildren ..... about the rooms he still ...... ...... terbalut mukena his body temperature is very hot ....... the son immediately took him to the hospital that day ...... and also he Menghadap ..... TO GOD IN THE HOUSE ....... Innalillaahi daughter TERKASIHNYA Wa Inna Ilaihi Rooji ' uun ..... SELAMAT JALAN Mother ...... go with his beautiful smile PUTRI AND FOR MENANTUNYA ....... But because of the grace of Allah you apply gentle with them. If ye be hard again be rough, they would dissociate themselves from sekelilingmu. Therefore ma'afkanlah them, pray for their forgiveness, and bermusyawaratlah in their dealings with it. Then when you have "complete determination", and put thy trust in Allah. Allah loves those who bertawakkal Him. QS 3: 159 Was. War. Wab

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