LANGKAHB the trapped
Ass. War. Wab.
Ass. War. Wab.
Can not .... can not ..... the main thing as I need to get the first half of the inheritance my father and mother
sepeninggal ...... I am the father of a student to pay all of you ...... so reasonable dong if I get 1 / 2 the inheritance my father and mother of one of ...... adiknya and little sister menimpali word sulungnya whose lives have been established with this in this case ...... I have already aturannya kak .... . we all know that ...... lagian sister has a nice life ...... except if there is magic or special grants from the father and mother to be with ...... pendapatkan sister daughter that is not less sengitnya ....... which is divided fairly flat course with a face ruddy ....... ..... brother and I bring to the spicy adiknya second sister ....... if not then you do not akan can graduate and undergraduate course such as this ....... now with the weak and resentful daughter's husband's younger brother joined talk kang mas ...... so ...... not willing to pay for college is not sincere sister -- kang mas brother own ...... so now they have requested compensation ...... you people ..... you do not participate - in the following issue sautnya this fierce ...... This is the picture of a real situation that often happens ...... when both parents died ...... we have children - children struggle WARISAN ..... ..... not even a few of them going .. .... and ..... more complicated when the father's brother men - men pak de ..... ...... uncle or participate in the request also ...... silaturrahim relationship that was good - well just because ...... ...... heritage issues into the enemy's brother .... not even a few of them to bring this issue to the court ...... In the Qur'an and Sunnah ..... As already explained in understandable ..... but this problem has never been ana can finish this problem when the requested assistance brotherly neighboring wa akhwat ...... ..... . because almost all the parties involved and the thoughts of his heart is in the property by butakan ....... get the most ...... they forget their guidance Syariat ...... Langgar law - the law is noble ...... so Syariat "heir faraidh "..... this is rarely implemented properly ...... even if there are parents who have died and had written testament grant the child - another son atu because this is also commanded by the Prophet SAW when the aged renta write testament to the children - son ..... the very day dihiraukannya not at all ...... ....... Na'udzubillah Your wealth and your children is just a test (for you), and in the sight of Allah is a great reward. QS 64: 15 Property and children is a test from Allah SWT and Allah ...... the paragraph with this lafadh "amwal "...... ...... new wealth and children as human test ....... of course that the exam is passed and which have not passed the test ..... so that when the first humans in the form of property does not pass ..... property is not used for the purposes of fighting in Allah's way .... then the impact of further examination in of children is very difficult through ...... we can picture it already looks a lot ...... even though the person is born berkelimpahan property ...... dipunyainya property that is not used to fight in the way of Allah .. .... then the child will become of their spine in the family ...... They ask about what they spend. Answer: "Whatever you spend that wealth should be given to the mother-father, kinsfolk, orphans, poor people and those who are in transit." And what is good for you, then know that Allah Almighty. QS 2: 215 Rasulullah SAW also memeriintahkan that heirs do not leave us in poor condition ..... HR. Bukhari of the Muslim Abu Isaac bin Abi Waqqash ra, he said that the Messenger of Allah SAW menjengukku when I am sick at the Farewell Pilgrimage 'while I said, O Messenger of Allah sakitku very severe, as you see. I have the property while the pewarisku only become a putriku only. Can I menyedekahkan 2 / 3 hartaku? He said: No ... I said, half hartaku Ya Rasulullah ?.... He said: No ... I said, a third hartaku O Messenger of Allah ... He said: A third ..... A third is already a lot of Truly great .... or if you leave warismu experts in the rich better than you left them in poor condition and ask mercy of others ..... Very rare among the brotherly akhwat and a new heir to receive the property from both parents ..... and wealth into benefits for their lives ..... so many people say that the heir property is "hot "...... even very rarely found in children who continue the business their parents inherited the company ..... ...... parents and the company to develop advanced ...... that often happens is the decrease insyaallah ...... .... and finally disappeared from circulation .... Meanwhile, in addition to guidance "faraidh "..... Rasulullah SAW also expand the management of wealth in the form of infaq .... .... sodaqoh and waqaf ...... If we want to think wisely for the good of all especially children - children ...... then the obligations of our parents are standing behind each - to support their children realize that the option of living children are in gariskan by Allah SWT ...... with all the effort and make their ikhtiarnya - their children succeed in the world ...... because life is often the option of living the way the world is different from what children in the geluti ...... by her parents when their - their children have been successful enough in the eyes ..... the world ... .. and then the parents still have a wealth of titipan Allah SWT ..... so that parents can take this as guidance Syariat the other ...... that is by taking infaq Syariat sodaqoh ..... .... . ...... waqaf or because children see - her son has established itself in the field - even if their own ...... have children who choose the field as their parents ..... then at least a valuable lesson for children is .... they should start a business together with her parents from the beginning from zero ..... ..... ..... as the founder not as a successor ..... so the child knows how difficult it is. ..... Lika - devious way that also experienced by parents ...... and this is a very valuable experience for him ...... Insyaallah akan bring is what we become slaves who passed the exam as well as property pass the test in children ..... there is no dissension among brothers ..... ..... our heirs and will lead directly to parents as a slave the tranquility of his life ..... dilimpahii happiness of life ..... Amiin Allah SWT.

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