Where my father would go out ?.... I shubuh already look tidy ?.... son ...... How do
you deliver in the register of the university's father ...... no usahlah father took .. ... I have a large ..... why I dare to leave their own ..... I am ashamed that lagian meet friends - friends later ..... ...... fate of the father of her child who does not pass SD is then said to her son's father wanted to know ..... what Universities kayaking, and my father also Pingin know where you study it .... Finally, the child is not able to repress the desire to join his father on that day ..... Go them from a village that had never even have a degree in the village ...... And when it has been on campus .... while the children busy after the document pendaftarani ..... seen his father sit on the floor in one corner of the campus buildings while ..... Always Moving lips and gentle eyes Wet WITH AIR MATA ..... always on the lips move to berdzikir ..... to offer prayers to the Most Defining Dzat all things ..... and the tears that is the hope that the children spill ...... he delivered his son to God ..... not to the building -- building the campus and all its contents Subhanallah ...... ... The first day the child is studying in kejutkan by something that never terbayangkan by it ...... one lecturer said to him ..... where they ?...... quite embarrassed - embarrassed by it later on. .... from a very rural area ...... that ..... there is no electricity there is no telephone advice .... do not have transportation and that is ..... ..... Arrive -- arrived as a lecturer in mathematics is startled surprised to hear answers that new students who come from Mr. ..... another village not far from the desamu ... and the first time in elementary school have a friend from the desamu ...... we the same - same rabidity elementary school which is very far from where we live ..... ..... he is very intelligent fathers have not been able to defeat him ..... ingenuity, especially in subjects count ..... unfortunately he does not pass until the SD because they do not have to pay for the school children of poor people ..... .... fulan name fulan bin ....... The day the child startled disengat like electricity ...... the name of his father's body called by lecturers who are well known and in that respect on campus as a friend ...... ...... that have not been smart in the invincibility all subjects count .... ..... especially where teachers have a degree in doktornya it ...... the child is not his strong hold water that already meets sheath eyes ..... and then ask permission to run to the small room and spill ..... ....... tangisnya there in the heart berkecamuk depth of feeling ..... feel ..... how his father keeps so long desire to deliver this capability for a latent himself in time out .... and .... the desire is to himself diberikannya ..... ..... sulungnya children .... Since then the child ..... terlecut to correct - use the correct time only to learn learn ..... ..... ..... learn ..... and already thousands of square meters of rice sold ..... jewelry mother who often go out and mortgage ..... Allah SWT grant the prayer of the father have a child ..... ..... .... SARJANA SARJANA THE FIRST ADA in his village ... .. his father was still not smiling ..... so many different children with the excitement that rampage ..... still looks like kebiasaannya Always Moving lips ..... ..... .... BERDZIKIR Day bersejarahpun come ...... terlelap children still sleep in the house kos nya ...... arrived - arrived in the wake shubuh by guards kos that there ...... my father in front of the steps that still slow ...... ...... the child ran in front of the father have already ...... how many hours of my father until tanyanya here ?....... OF JAM 3 PAGI Earlier ... no father ... why would it go ?...... certainly pity you tired of all sesuatunya prepare for graduation this morning ........ ..... Yes God is good with what must terbalas?. ..... back the hearts of the children terkoyak ...... Until after graduation in the house ...... my father still does not smile much proud father ...... ...... still used as such a strong iceberg ..... save billions of bongkahan wishes and expectations to the children that are still hidden ...... the father and child sarjananya are menikamati fried banana and hot tea in the back of the house are spacious and beautiful scenery with rice ...... arrived - my father arrived with a serious look to the big tree on the back of the house ..... and then he said ..... .... nak the bird ?..... What is sparrow's son ...... yah briefly and then ask again ... .. nak ... What is a bird ?...... is sparrow yah !..... mereguk after tea warm again with the father asks the same question ...... ..... nak What is a bird ?..... What is the father of yesteryear ..... I have just said that the sparrow yah ..... SARJANA answers with a little peeved and father go ....... duduknya of the house and then walk ...... not long after to bring back the record books ..... the seedy father shows a page in the book to read children sarjananya ...... Written date ..... 20 years ago, children sulungku ...... ..... ..... harapanku are on the back of the house ..... sit down - sit down with .... while enjoying the fried banana and hot tea .. .... and the first small birds that are interested in dancing - nari large tree in the back of the house ..... and he RATUSAN TIMES ..... to me ..... ASK WHAT IS BIRD YAH ..... The children kneel directly in his father's lap while crying and ask pardon with a gentle father ..... say ..... KESABARANMU listen to OTHER PEOPLE ARE SO PEOPLE CAN makes you .... Day - next day at the university with lalui exert every power to get a job ..... and Alhamdulillah .... only one week after the lapse of graduation ..... children have a job ..... a multi-company national .... Procter & Gamble Indonesia Makro Indonesia ...... ...... ...... Warner Lambert Indonesia The Coca - Cola Company .... but to his son's position in the company are over. ... still like my father who used to smile a lot ..... not .... dimaknai the leaders of large American companies that ..... that his father has not been proud of her son ...... Kegundahan children who have heart 20 years working in several large United States companies is finally delivered a decision of the child ...... ..... stop working because of the desires to make his father when the father ..... hear that children will work out of the company that many people want it to remain cold father ..... .... ..... not many smiles as iceberg ..... Bachelor's former manager of several companies finally found this way of life which he thought would make his father proud and happy ..... he open the book again - the book as he was boarding at her ..... borong books - religious books so that all corners meet and that there is room in the house ...... and when he was requested by someone who comes from the village to fill in tausiah ...... an event in the hearts of adults .... former manager of the company .... which is still a child who has not been able to make his father proud and happy this certainty ..... nant father came in the event ...... That night ... .. children to see his father sitting in the front row seats from 500 who atte
nded an invitation only ..... direct ..... dihampirinya ogbes with a kiss and hand ..... and when the event tausiah .... mauidhoh. ... arrived ..... the time this new ustadz a crouch while running to his father ..... si ustadz is then opened with a preamble so smoothly with the selected word - a word to a sentence in the cluster - the beautiful and full wisdom ..... with descriptions that can be easily understood ...... the child who then becomes ustadz this ....... see his father crying SESENGGUKAN .... AIR eyes damp face .... . tausiah view and listen to their children ..... In the return trip takes 1 hour ..... all - at the time of weeping children tumpahkan this with you and Puja puji thanks to God ..... Yes ... God has shown you the way .... which must be passed .... THAT MAKE Bahagia father and proud ..... iceberg melt was at this time .... And when meeting with friends who are very close friends with my father ..... ..... father said from the first father ...... since we are still young, and with - the same in the scout movement anshor ..... . .... father wanted his son was soon to become USTADZ ...... ...... A .... Subhanallah And (remember) when his Lord tried Abraham with a few sentences (commands and restrictions), and Ibrahim menunaikannya. He said: "I am menjadikanmu akan priests for all mankind." He said: "And (I also need) from the seed." He said: "Promise Me (this) is not about people who do wrong. QS 2: 124 Wass.War.Wab

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