Ibunda and Ayahanda that I respect, love and care about me, I hope God always memberkahi steps and we do not interrupted nikmatNya to give to us. Amin Ibunda and Ayahanda that I respect .. as a servant of God, I have been given various favors. It is true that Almighty God has said: "We will show signs of greatness in our horizon, horizons and in themselves, so they can see clearly that God sees the truth and everything." Favors the disposition of which is the biological needs, need each other to the opposite type of .. namely: Married! Character of God that has sticky on human life, and if people violate the disposition of God, the only downfall didapatkannya .. Na'udzubillah! And Allah has said: "Do not you approach adultery, because adultery is a bad act dirty again" (Qs. Al-Israa ': 32). Ibunda and see .. Ayahanda beloved of the young adult crowd that's very very apprehensive, as if they do without conscious deeds maksiat to God. Seems, of the people who have only thought-thought that leads to happiness and the right cast. Not to mention if asked to them about marriage. "I'm not marrying was mikirin, busy work, I still ngumpulin Moreover goods first," or the Work has not been established, not quite ready to settle down?, So they said, the less what they do. Hopefully I can be patient in order to survive and do not maksiat. Allah knows best. Ibunda and Ayahanda tersayang .. tells about the association of young people who tend to be free in general, it's not enough ink to me torehkan. I write each of the events in young children? Islamic magazine, at the same time the events occurred which demanded our attention Astaghfirullah .. .. Ibunda and Ayahanda .. this is such a melatar belakangi urge to want to marry me. Basic idea From Al Qur? And an Al-Hadith: "And nikahkanlah those of you alone, and those eligible (married) from the slave sahayamu the men and the servants who sahayamu women. POOR PEOPLE IF GOD WILL MENGKAYAKAN WITH THEM KARUNIANYA. Allah is the width ( pemberianNya) and Aware. " (QS. An Nuur (24): 32). "And we made all things in pairs, so that you remember the greatness of God." (QS. Adz Dzariyaat (51): 49). ? Blessed is He who created all pair-pair, both from what ditumbuhkan by the earth and of themselves and what they do not know? (Qs. Ya Sin (36): 36). God created you for the pair-pair (wives) of the type you own, then from the wives of you that He created for you the offspring of offspring, and to give him the sustenance of the good (Qs. An Nahl (16) : 72). And among his signs is that He created for you wives from jenismu own, so that you tend to feel settled and to him, and dijadikanNya diantaramu love and pity. Surely, in that there are indeed signs for people who think. (Qs. Ar. Ruum (30): 21). And those who believe, men and women, some of them (are) to be protective (helper) for the other part. They were told (a) that ma'ruf, prevent from the munkar, establish prayer, pay the obligatory charity, and they obey Allah and Rasulnya. They will be given the grace by God, for God is Mighty, Wise (Qs. At Taubah (9): 71). O people, bertaqwalah ye to your Lord that you have made one myself, and he made jodohnya thereof, and He kembangbiakkan be men and women who are many. (Qs. An Nisaa (4): 1). Women who are good for both men. Men of good for women who are both (as well as vice versa). For their forgiveness and reski the overflow (ie: Paradise) (Qs. An Nuur (24): 26). .. So nikahilah women (others) that you senangi two, three, or four. Then if you fear will not be able to apply fair, then (nikahilah) alone .. (Qs. An Nisaa '(4): 3). Nor should the men who are believers and not for women who mukminah and when God has set a RasulNya akan provisions have those options on their affairs. And whoever disobeyed God and RasulNya then he has been a real distraction. (Qs. Al Ahzaab (33): 36). -Suggestion for the suggestion he Married: Rasulullah SAW said: "Nikah sunnahku that, anyone who does not like, not golonganku!" (HR. Ibn Majah, from Aisyah ra). Four different-Sunna Sunna of the Messenger, ie: berkasih unfortunately, the wewangian, bersiwak and married (HR. Tirmidzi). She's, "Nikahilah olehmu women that, then they will bring in wealth (food) for you? (HR. Abu Hakim and David). 14. If there are people not living with spouse, it means his life will be lame and do not run according to the commandment of Allah SWT and the marriage means the complete religious, sabda Rasulullah SAW: "Whoever is given a wife that God sholihah indeed have been fed half-religion. Bertaqwa and let the other half of God. "(HR. Baihaqi). As of the Amr Ibn, The World is the jewelry and adornment is a good woman shalihat. (HR. Muslim, Ibn Majah and An Nasai). "Three groups are eligible fed by God? (HR. Tirmidzi, and Hakim Ibn Hibban): a.? People who fought / fight in the way of Allah. B.? Budak redeem himself from the master. C.? Youth / i is married because it would dissociate himself from the unlawful. " "O young people! When diantaramu can let him marry a marriage, because the eye will be more awake, more self-akan maintained." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn Mas'ud). Kawinlah with mencintaimu and women who are able to bear. I will boast of you as most people (Abu HR. David). You menikahlah each other, make each other keturunanlah you, and perbanyaklah (offspring). I am proud of the many numbers in the middle of the other (HR. Abdurrazak and Baihaqi). Shalat 2 rakaat the people who have diamalkan him better than 70 rakaat the diamalkan by youth (or virgin) (HR. Ady Ibn Al Kamil in the book of Abu Hurairah). Rasulullah SAW. He said: "a bad time, that is not married, and lowly-sehina corpses you, is not married" (Bukhari HR.). Among all of you is the worst in the living lackey, and the death of you all the most contemptible is the death of people who choose life lacquey (HR. Abu Ya? La and Thabrani). From Anas, Rasulullah SAW. once said: If anyone would like to meet with God in a state of pure clean again, then kawinkanlah with respectable women. (HR. Ibn Majah, dhaif). Rasulullah SAW said: Kawinkanlah those who still diantaramu alone. Verily, Allah akan edify, extend provision, and add their sublime (Al Hadith). Marriage Goals Implement the command of Allah and Sunnah Rasul. Continuing-generation Muslims as caretaker tract Islam. Muslim families realize the Muslim community. Get love and affection. Tranquility Life with maintaining self-respect (the act of self-avoiding maksiat / other contemptible behavior). So that the rich (most of the wealth is a good wife who shalihat). Extended kinship (at connecting rope / strengthen family ties) Personal readiness Qalb condition that has been steadily and increasingly confident after istikharah. Rasulullah SAW. He said:? Man Jadda Wa Jadda? (Who surely mean he will be successful through the obstacles). Including compulsory marriage (hard to shaum). Including? tathhir (mensucikan self). The material, ready to Allah. ? Let the person who is able to support the ability? (Qs. At Thalaq (65): 7) Pending due to make or Marriage Damage and destruction due to moral and girls free sex. Delayed birth of the next generation to essay. Not tenangnya Ruhani and feelings, because God gave a new calmness and affection for people who are married. Bear the sin of life in the Hereafter, because they were not married when dikerjakannya obligation requirements that God RasulNya set and met. Moreover, with the type of opponent that is not mahramnya. Rasulullah SAW. He said: "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let it bersunyi quiet woman with a tandem that is not accompanied mahramnya, because of which the third party is the devil." (HR. Ahmad) and "Truly, the one among you with a needle from ditusuk iron better than the woman who does not lawful for him" (HR. Thabrani and Baihaqi) .. Astaghfirullahaladzim .. Na'udzubillahi min dzalik However, generally occur in the community around the wedding is as following: That's not the glorious god-fearing, but the degree disandang: Ir, DR, SE, SH, ST, etc. Wah the wedding party / bride price is high, because pride is solitary, not hold in full accordance with the ability ketawadhu'an owned. (Marriage should be based solely only search Ridha Allah and RasulNya. Campuri Not in the hope of Ridha? Man (praise, do not feel those words). .. I believe when God once Ridha on what we do, then we will be happy in the world and the Hereafter soon.) Marriage is considered barrier for fun parents. Society considers making wedding akan study, when it is married with a vision of security more things forbidden, and the spirit of the complete study. Improve Intention: Innamal a'malu binniyat ....... Intention is the resurrection of the soul and trends on anything that appears in the form of a goal that is important for him prosecuted, either immediately or suspended. Intention When Selecting assistants He said "Whoever wed (daughter) because of strong property akan men although akhlaknya and bad religion, the marriage will never be the dibarakahi him, Who married a woman because of position, God will add to her humiliation, Who engaged women as property, God only gave akan poverty, Who married women because nasabnya good, God will add to it too short, but who is married just because you want to view and maintain nafsunya or because you want to cultivate love, God always gives blessed kebarakahan and add it on. "( HR. Thabrani). "Do not marry a woman because of beauty, beauty that may only makes you contemptible. Do not you marry a woman as property / wealth may tahtanya / tahtanya makes you exceed the limit. Nikahilah However, because of religious women. For, a slave woman who Shaleh, although poor face is better. " (HR. Ibn Majah). Prophet SAW. He said: Do not you marry close relatives, for the (consequences) can bear a child who is weak (both intellect and physical) (Al Hadith). Jabir's r.a., Verily the Prophet SAW. has said,? Surely her people because dinikahi religion, position, wealth, beauty, and then choose the religious. "(HR. Muslim and Tirmidzi). Intention in The Marriage Problems intention not to stop selecting assistants. Intention still attached to the various matters related to the occurrence of marriage. Start of dower, menebar invitation walimah, holding walimah. Walimah more than two days closer to the mudharat, are walimah third day including riya '. "Give mahar (dowry) to women (which you nikahi) as with the full blessing." (Qs. An Nisaa (4): 4). Rasulullah SAW said: "Women's most magnificent barakahnya, is the most lightweight maharnya" (HR. Ahmad, Al Hakim, Al Baihaqi with a sanad shahih). She's, that the Prophet SAW. has said, "Surely blessing of the marriage is a simple shopping (maharnya)" (HR. Ahmad). Prophet SAW had promised: "Do not mempermahal value portion. Indeed, if man is noble in the world and piety in Allah, the Prophet himself who will be the guardian pernikahannya." (Sunan HR. Ashhabus). From Anas, he said: "Abu Umm Sulaim Thalhah marry with a dowry keIslamannya" (from Ditakhrij An Nasa'i) .. Subhanallah .. The process of marriage affect intention. The process of the wedding simple and easy to Allah akan bersihnya approach to intention, can facilitate the process of marriage rarefy intention. Meanwhile, make the wedding akan mengkotori intention. "Adakanlah the cut only once a goat." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) Marriage must meet the criteria Lillah, Billah, and Ilallah. Lillah is, is the intention that marriage should be for God. And how the process should Billah, in accordance with the provisions of God .. Including in the selection of candidates, and the process toward marriage levels (net of court / lust or not). Last Ilallah, in order to achieve the objective keridhoan God. So in a marriage does not engage in immoral acts on God; for example: the separation between the front men and women, do not exaggerate, do not eat while standing (courtesy of food usually dimasyarakat-party standing is a must in avoiding, but not by examplizeing that Rasulullah SAW ), not The disandingkan, courtesy of mendo'akan with do'a: Barokallahu lacker baroka wa 'alaikum wa jama'a baynakuma fii khoir .. (May Allah bestow membarakahi you and blessed to you), do not shake hands with the opposite type, not be excessive ( "And do not bertabarruj (make up) as the first tabarrujnya jahiliyah" - Qs. Al-Ahzab (33), Reaching Marriage Ruhani If someone is filled with longing and devotion to God, he will try to find someone with the same. The psychological, someone will feel calm and tentram when communicating with people with the same, whether in person, views of life and so forth. Therefore, be happy that someone can experience God's love for the pairing of his life, that is, the people in his heart that God is present in full. They love each other not on behalf of themselves, but in the name of God and to God. How beautiful meeting of two human love each other and miss God. Their marriage is not merely the meeting of two different types of man, but two meetings ruhani that are meniti journey toward God, lovers of their loved ones. That is the wedding ruhani. KALO KITA BERKUALITAS in the sight of GOD, PASTI WILL ALSO A DATANG (Jodoh TO OUR) BERKUALITAS THAT? Pula (Al Izzah 18 / Th. 2) Conclusion "O, people believe! Do not forbid what the Permitted by God to you, and you do not exceed the limit, because God does not love those who exceed the limit." (Qs. Al Maidaah (5): 87). Indeed, because after that there are easier difficulty. And indeed after the difficulties that have the ease (Qs. Nature Nasyrah (94): 5 - 6). Ibunda and Ayahanda that I respect, I care about and I love the name of God .. demikanlah this proposal (the character) I write. I really hope Ibunda and Ayahanda .. I understand the desire. Top blessing and prayer from Ibunda and Ayahanda .. I say "Jazakumullah Khairan katsiira". "O Allah, make me ridho against what you set and made BAROKAH what you have takdirkan, so I do not want to hurry anything that you delay and delay what you segerakan .. GOD YES give reward MUSIBAHKU TIMES IN THIS AND THAT MORE replace for EITHER of Amiin .. " ==================================== Dedicated to: My inspiration .... who had come around and occupy "the heart" ... Astaghfirullah! When the virtual world have, not on earth menapak him .. Then, kucoba wave set up .. Robbi heard calling tuk meniti road RidhoMu .. Kuharap have your servants from the auxiliary leg runner up in the way of thy long road, and accompany dakwah should I titi .. "When Love and Rindu? Tuk gapai Heaven and martyr in the way disturb .."
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