21 July 2009

Love Letters from the man-man love of the night Full We go to: the Insan tersia-night chase

O people terpejam eyes, we Perkenankanlah, human-human night writing a love letter to you. Like our love in the night-the night that our hammock in the last third. Or as we love and the majesty of a secret charm. We make every effort to know yourself loose noon hope diamond and pearl world. But we need not bother, for the nights we berhiaskan diamond and pearl from heaven. O people terlelap, Truly delicious night-malammu. Create a dense dark eyes can not afford to see the light energy that is hidden in baliknya. Sunyi senyapnya not make yourself out of the appeal of love. Dinginnya that penetrate the terlena make yourself, enjoy your sleep on a soft pembaringan, bermesraan with pillows and gulingmu, bergeliat spoiled selimutmu behind such warm. Ah you are enjoying. O people terlena, Behold, we do not like yourself! That every night terpejam eyes, which is not measurable terlelap asleep. Terlena or by the atmosphere so that tempt. We do not like yourself! We are one of the rooms in heaven. Do not you hear the Insan Kamil, Rasulullah SAW said: "Verily in Paradise there are rooms that look from the outside in, and in the visible from the outside. Provided for those who feed those who need it, spread the greeting and establish the prayer terlelap during human sleep in the night. " Have you heard that before? Yes, a stunning room for us and the people who establish the prayer at the time of human-human and the other eye closed heart. O people who love their families empty You certainly never hear my name called. I Abu Hurairah, Periwayat Hadist. Kerinduanku akan third of the night is not terperi. The night is the biggest kenikmatanku. But you know? Enjoyment is not necessarily kukecap own. Kubagi night-full of excellent malamku into three. One for me, one for istriku beloved and one for the servants who I loved. If one of us finished up a prayer, then we hurry up the other part of it to enjoy. Subhanallah, not tergerakkah yourself? Pedulikah you in your family? Is good that you want from them? Just to wake the people most close to you, your family? Others with me, Nuruddin Mahmud Zanki. History as the conqueror mencatatku jactitation troops cross. One time a famous theologian Ibn Katsir on myself, he said, "Nuruddin was addicted night prayer, fasting, and many struggled with the belief that right." Victory for the victory I achieve with pasukanku. Even the enemy troops that are involved in a conference call. They said, "Nuruddin Mahmud Zanki not win because a lot of pasukannya. But because he has more secrets with God." I smile, they are indeed correct. Kuraih is a victory because do'a prayer and prayer-malamku full kekhusyu'an. You know the person who is always faithful mendampingiku? He Istriku beloved, Khotun bint Atabik. She is the wife shalehah in the eyes, especially in the eyes Alloh. Night is our night in the intimacy of the frame of the Lord. Gemerisik foliage and wind desahan as trinkets to be our eyes in gloomy when we fall in prostration berderai us that long. Kuceritakan a day you have events that make the soul that looks crestfallen. Kutanyakan on what on earth made her restless. Alloh Yes, he was asleep, not wake up at night, so the loss of the opportunity to worship. Astaghfirulloh, I am sorry to have made him disappointed. Immediately after the events kubayar only penyesalanku with the lift for a specific employee. Employees that kuperintahkan for menabuh drum so that we become a third in the evening. O people terbuai You mengenalku certain exemptions in the story of Al Aqso, who blessed the house of God. I am the sculptor gold ink, called a war, Sholahuddin Al-Ayyubi. People who live in zamanku mengenalku not called more than a prayer that always keep berjama'ah. Kesenanganku reading the Qur'an is to listen to the beautiful and calm. Malamku night-time is the most kutunggu. Time where I bercengkerama with the Lord. While lunch is hariku real struggle-struggle, in the embodiment Cintaku him. O people who are still terlena, Have you heard the story of conquest Constantinople? I am the person behind the conquest, Sultan Muhammad Al Fatih. I am very canny in the Bala tentaraku lead. But you know that the day before that, I was ordered to pasukanku to noon on the day of fasting. And when the night arrived, we conducted the night prayer and munajat full akan please help him. If death Alloh provide to us on the day we fought, the martyrdom that is our biggest hope. Let the day we are in the edge of death, but before that, at the end of the night Alloh we find in life. Life support the night with us. O people of the dark eyes and heart, Have you heard the story of people of Basra drought? They really miss the water out of the midst of cloud. For the sun is very fierce sting, the deserts are dry and barren. One day they agreed to hold prayer Istisqo which directly led by a theologian in that time. There are faces that participate in it, Malik bin Dinar, Atho 'As-Sulami, Tsabit Al-Bunani. Prayer begins, even after two rakaat. Hope they are the largest rain-rain of blessings. However, time continues to go the day, the more sun escalate, there's no signs of rain akan turun. Gloomy not come, the heavens remain speechless, still bright and blue. In their hearts wonder, is there any sins that we do so that rain water is detained in the sky? In fact we are all people in this country? Istisqo prayer for the prayer was established, but the rain never came. Until a night, and Malik bin Dinar Tsabit Al Bunani at a mosque. At night it is, I, Maimun, a waitress, a certain kind of face dull, with a black dress and worn-out, came to the mosque. Langkahku the mihrab, kuniatkan for prayer Istisqo alone, two of the most movement gerikku. After the prayer, with the full kekhusyu'an kutengadahkan hand to heaven, while berdo'a: "Lord, how many servants of thy many times come to ask you something that does not actually reduce the power of bit-Mu. Is this because what is in thy already exhausted, or the power of thy treasures have been lost? Lord, I swear in the name of the love-thy-thy wish to me that you give us rain as soon as possible. " Then what on earth is happening? Wind coming directly roll quickly, thick overcast sky above. As if the heavens fall in a servant do'a hear this. Do'aku granted by God, the rain came down with derasnya, damp earth, the poor who have long merindukannya. Malik bin Dinar and Tsabit Al Bunani any great surprise, and you must be also wonder is not it? I, a poor slave property, which is jet black, may be more concentrated of nights kulalui. Only a human being, but I became very extraordinary because prayer is effective and nights kupenuhi with weeping and taqarrub in him. O people who are still terpejam, the night is seconds for these, Imam Nawawi. One day muridku ask, how can I create a lot of different works? When I relax, how I set the bed? Then kujelaskan him, "When I nod, then I stop sholatku, and I rely on book-bukuku moment. As if it was some time back fresh, I continue ibadahku." I know you must be thinking that this is very difficult to reach by intellect sehatmu. But see, I have to do, and now you can enjoy the paper-karyaku. O people tempted, Begitu kuatkah syetan binding stalk lehermu when you fall asleep? Yes, very strong, three ties in the cervix lehermu! He ago pat each bond is saying, "O people, you still have a long night, so tidurlah!". Hey, Sadarlah, sadarlah, do not you listen to him, it's deceptive muslihatnya! Syetan that lie to you. So arise, Arise, kerahkan strength to ward godaannya. Alloh the name, it will be the first offshore bond. Then, berwudhulah, it will be the second offshore bond. And last, sholatlah, such as our prayer, then akan lepaslah all bond-bond is. O people who still terlelap, Masihkah you enjoy the night-malammu with kepulasan? Masihkah? Is your heart moved to rise up, hurry, come up to him, bercengkerama with Him, seeking His forgiveness, even though only 2 rakaat? Do not you know that Alloh down to earth in the sky 1 / 3 of the first night has passed. Do not you know, that He said, "I am the King, I am the King, who appealed to me akan Kukabulkan, who ask to me akan Kuberi, and who ask forgiveness of Me-Ku akan ampuni. He continues to say so, until dawn chap. O people who tricked sorrowful world, For us, the human-human night, the world is truly mindless. Malamlah who gave us life indeed. For the night for us is a night full of love, full of meaning. Masihkah you terlelap? Do you want a life indeed? Follow our trail, man-man night. Soon you will find the light in there, in the third night. However, if you still want to terlelap, enjoy your sleep on a soft pembaringan, bermesraan with pillows and gulingmu, bergeliat spoiled selimutmu behind such warm, so we love letter is not really meant anything to you. Hopefully Alloh unite us in there, in His heaven, and find yourself ourselves in a room visible from the outside in, and in the visible from the outside. Hopefully ... Wassalamu'alaykum warohmatulloohi wabarokaatuh, (Human-Human Night)
tary_a2n hasanah

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