For the children we will do whatever ...... let us suffer so long as the children - our future children better lives than we ... so I often hear more from the parents ...... and this is indeed true .... ..... Thousands pound the streets of the nine obstacles .... Skip .... for me ... ..... son ..... my mother still While walking sole ...... ..... .... full of blood, pus ..... One evening the mother went home with the sole bleed ..... pebble stuck ..... perjalan after a long tiring since the morning ..... he just said ..... no APA - APA Kok .... CUMA Luka KECIL ..... Bermil - mile walk he knock door to door of the house is not in kenalnya to offer services to teach reading to write the Qur'an for the home .... because only that he can ..... Voters empty expression .... without the countless rejection ..... Sorry we do not need teachers mengaji .... BUT MOTHER Stay smile ..... Was said in the hearts ..... LELAHKAH DIA ?...... When the house is not the mother .... it is fast asleep sleeping child - a son terlelap one by one terbuai advice through the beautiful story he said ... Midnight .. he is still sitting in sajadahnya ..... bersimpuh crying while he mentions the name of children - children one by one .... so that God guide and gives instructions to the ...... children - her son so soon to become the person that always makes proud smile ..... After dawn ketulusannya the only woman capable dibalas by Allah SWT continue to work to set up a commodity rutinnya ...... ..... run ... enter and exit the village selling dagangannya ...... So When DIA TERLELAP ?...... Diagungkan woman whose name he is never angry or annoyed ...... Now berpuluh year after he did all of that ...... after millions of miles of roads after he susuri .... bertampuk - calyx prayer after he panjatkan .... selaut tears tangisnya before the child was God ...... KNOW ..... that ... His mother respited ..... like the air that you provide the love ..... I can not afford to pay .... Mother .... mother .... And We charged the human (good) for the two mother-father, his mother was in a state of weak mengandungnya the stepped-up, and menyapihnya in two years. Be grateful to me and to the mother of two fathers, only to return Kulah. QS 31: 14
Was. War. Wab
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