Court? I, Ah!

.. Hmm Headlines from aja udah nih certainly be exciting, especially with what I love-love ngomongin not there is potential for a utmost discussed. The era of old-fashioned now that love is always exciting to diobrolin. View deh events tivi in most of the romance. I missed the teenage magazines, tabloids, books, sinetron, film to the big screen reality show romance all its contents. What is still less children songs the band is now not far from the lyrics-love lyrics. So, the value of a potential sale of love come down (jiaaah, I sold you?). Including this paper will also discuss the same theme. Eyes and looked, but the point of Islam, because I am a Muslim. En Bro Sis, love the gift. Dateng gitu aja, suddenly appear without any invitee (dah kayak jalangkung!). No matter old or young, ugly or beautiful, or handsome-looking (loh? Foul nih cow) love does not know the difference deh. Example of what I like to do the same cewe, can forget everything, from the vacant, laughing own (love you so mad?) The ngelakuin are willing for the sake ceweknya. But can dimanfaatin aja, mumpung aji aja dibayarin way to go, from food to go. This cewek matre or just eat numpang (ngirit banget lo!). Or he may have the principle "might seefesien". I have that I do? Pletak! Wadooh, which is not in empathy ceweknya tuh, si cowok aja times I desperately nabung one month, the debt is also left-right time ya? (nah loh tuh have a kesendir ya? Hehe ...) But what of the girl allegedly numpang matre or eat only, like the girl-girl I'm not agree. But, quietly Sis. Do all the women's kayak gitu kok (Jiaaah, defense is just an example I fear dicakar-paw same-sex sex, peace). Eh, who have protested the court I'm not associated with Islam? I usually protest that mikirnya gini: "The important ibadahnya kan? Ngapain disangkut flower-pautkan with Islam. During the court aja nggak bother other people and not the adultery. " Hmm ... Bro, Islam is a clear ngasih rules, we should be able to accept Islam fully, not merely a ritualnya aja aja or as a formality. Aturannya concerning all things, from the rule until the state rules for individuals. Do not up there among you who diligently ngaji, prayer is also a lag, but maksiat tetep road. Hadduch .. STMJ tuh mah (prayer on Maksiat Road). Prayer is prayer, but a matter of maming aka Night Weekly ngerasa you are obliged to attend to the home you love. Intention ngapel farewell same ortu while the boyfriend, like ngajak streets looking for fresh air (search aja oxygen in the hospital, and ends more times tuh!). The idea that both can aja. Oya, have also tuh temen our beralibi alais ngasih reason that girls do they do it Islamic. They agreed to drop out while I come Ramadahn months. Later abis Ramadan through again (waduuuh, ngarep banget ya buat melegalkan court?). Kalo gitu ngerampok the Islamic times, there were so, only the rich who ngerampok stingy en corrupt officials (dah kayak Robin Hood do? Origin deh lo!). Gauls how Islam Bro Sis en, Allah SWT. I said (which means): "Do not approach adultery that adultery is an act of indecency and a bad way." (QS Al-Isra [17]: 32) Tuh, not only zinanya aja the unlawful, but it is close to adultery is prohibited. Identical with the court to gather the type of opponent. Berkhalwat with the term that is not mahrammnya, of course forbidden in Islam because it can menjerumus to en kemaksiatan in a more severe adultery. I want plesetin omongannya Bang Napi first time (still on inget kan?). Yup, Bang Samsi (eh, Bang Napi) says: "Inget, kemaksiatan not only because the perpetrators have intention, but also because there is opportunity." Bener banget. Kalo udah berudua-be a pair of three is the devil. Be careful what Satpol the PP also watching. Events you diintip potential and didiemin first ketangkep get wet (nah loh experience sapa tuch?) What, what is chaste terpancing same demons, the easy tuh ngegodainya, the term stay waiting hours to run (dah kayak nonton aja tuh cinema). Bro, before the two-be a pair with the opposite type, in the early-early relationship with the opposite type is set correctly in lho Islam. Maksiat incident so that it can be prevented because peluangnya diminimalisir. Allah SWT. I said (which means): "Say to the believers men: 'Let them conquer some eyes and keep kemaluannya ....' And say to the believers of women: 'Let them conquer some eyes and keep kemaluannya .... ' "(an-Nuur QS [24]: 30-31) So, down is to maintain the view. Gitu aja nggak removed without the control that allows the candidate to feel pleasure birahinya to the top of the opposite type of act. This view can be maintained if spelled accidentally see the type of opponent and then keep trying to view does not see a repeat again or keep track of beauty or kegantengannya. Ath-Thabarani hand down, he said. He said that means, "Awaslah you from bersendirian with women, in God's hand in the soul, not a man who bersendirian (bersembunyian) with a woman by the devil entered malainkan between the two. And, a berdesakkan with a pig mud berlumuran the casserole is better than brush shoulders with the shoulders of a woman who is not lawful for him. " Hadith also in the other. From Abu Hurairah r.a. that the Messenger of Allah. has said that means, "The eye is able to adultery, the hands of that (can) make adultery, the second leg (can) make adultery. And all of it or been akan justified by genitals. "(Hadith Sahih diriwayatkan by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim from Ibn Abbas and Abu Hurairah). The lowest heart is adultery with favor because bernikmat-kick close to her, adultery with the eyes and feel the silky memandangnya more bodies fall to the adultery, mutual touch, hold, embrace, smooch, and so on until there cunt. Ati-ati! Waspadalah! Bor en Sis, in Islam there is a court term, essentially because the association rules in Islam is infishol alias "separate" in the sense like: do or do only interact with familiar or like the mahram. Associated with the opposite type of problem only mu'amalah (business, such as in the market between sellers and buyers), education (such as between a teacher with students or faculty as students) is also a problem in health care (medical consultation with patients and the like). All of which must remain sayr'i. Matter of special places and public places Allah SWT. said (which means): "O those who believe, do not enter the house before the house, not ask permission and salute to the penghuninya. That is better for you, that ye may (always) remember. If you do not find one there, So do not you enter before you get permission. and if you said: "Back (alone) is, then let you back. for the clean and Allah is Aware of what ye do. (An-Nuur QS [24]: 27-28) En Bro Sis, I know you need a place or condition associated with, the association between the guy and girl who are not mahram. First, the place that we do not need a permit at the time of entry / view (eg, field hospitals, markets, etc.). Second, the special place (a place that if we want to go see it or are required to ask permission, for example: bath houses, private cars, private rooms and the like). I hold, which must be observed in the association is a matter of the term: First, ij'tima, ie, come together, but no interaction. Second, a'laqoh, namely interaction, but I gather (eg phone, online chat, SMS's, tell, send an e-mail and the like). Third, ikhtilat, which is gathered and beriteraksi (and allowed for a non-mahram is only in problems mu'amalat, education, and health) Oya, I would like little stories. I had tuh different opinion on the legal status of what the court itself. I do agree court, not because I'm not a court proceeding, but because many who do nolak hehe ... (I ding, emang udah I know I can make court ruling according to Islamic teachings). I also reject the court not to nyuruh he dropped out of the same girlfriend, just my thinking ngajak aja. On the klimaksnya he says to me: "What life style kayak so you can get without living in Indonesia aja!" Wadduh .... What I do nyangka ngomong so. until finally I answered "Sory friend, I live in the earth, Allah SWT. If you do not agree with the rules of Allah aja get away from the earth of Allah. " Halah, so my spontaneous comment. Terfikir it was my emotions that the time ye? But ya udahlah. So, I like to try even though I still firmly in learning to obey all the rules of Islam. Court not only those who are celibate and girls aja, but from the age of grown-up until grandfather grandma can do as a threatened punishment by God. However, the general court is invisible to the teenagers. Can a right? Islam ngatur relationship between the type of opponent Oya, do not mean that in Islam there is a solution for dealing with nonmahram. In Islam the relationship nonmahram this diakomodasi in the system through the institution of marriage khitbah / proposal and wedding. Messenger of Allah. He said (which means): "O youth group, who among you is able to marry, then let him marry, because marriage is more down, and more self-maintaining. But, who is not able to marry, then let him fast, because fasting can reduce the orgasm. "(HR Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud, Tirmizi, Nasai, Ibn Majah, Ahmad, and Darami) In addition to the above, both the friend relationship, the association of men without women's feelings, or professional relationship, or court, or the association of teachers and students, and even inter-neighborhood association that violates the above rule is illegitimate, even though Islam does not deny the existence of taste like or even love. En bro sis, even allowed to laki-laki/perempuan like that are not mahram, but we are forbidden to open relations with nonmahram without a adheres to the rules above. If it still does that, you have to accompanied brother or male mahram men you and you must close auart each to meet the rules of Islam which has been set. But this is not in the court order, lho. Yes, just enough to meet the education or propaganda, muamalah and health. Okay? Believe, that Allah Ta'ala mate who ngatur. I need all maksain the court. I have stories, a teacher's ngaji I do (ask ngutip ya pak .. hehe). So there is a girl-girl is remarkably court en cinta banget. When they are in theory, the court discussed tuh kayak gini. Short stories they drop out, "we dropped out of Islam for the sake aja yach ..." he said. Wah banget emang ya dilemma? (love deritanya no end .. hwaach basic Patkai). Emang nggak easy weight en tuh take decisions out of love is dead. The semboyannya aja: "I love you eureun-teu eureun" (gotong royong aja ya biar nggak times heavier). But then they receive iklhas decision. Continue until they mature. God permits them up dipertemukan back, because ortunya I also know each other, they eventually married. Wah wah ... of course they are happy. What Bro, want, want want? What is not ready to take a long time waiting for ngehindar from maksiat en slander continue to wedding (the sooner the better, we mah Syariat pro Islam!). BTW, but I'm not segampang I omongin ya? Bang Thufail said al-Ghifari is "a marriage is how beautiful the Jihad" (cit.. Cwiw!). So, what does not seriously complicated relationship, the objective emang married? (loh kok jadi ngomongin marriage? Curhatan me I like. Watau!) Proof of true love Bro Sis en, Allah's Messenger. been said (which means): "Proof of true love that there are three, namely: choose Kalam kekasihnya (al-Qu'an) Kalam other than (a product of man); interact with select kekasihNya than interact with others; keridhaan kekasihNya choose from keridhaan the other. " Such as the person who loves something, he was a servant. Yahya bin Mu'adz related to this says: "Setitik seeds of love to God the more I like the reward of seventy years of worship." Nah, kalo virus pink hot start in your heart, there is only one solution right: merit daughter marries alias marriage. Not what I was younger I also home mentalnya steady, strong in knowledge, and enough material. Ngerasa but I have not been able, so you have to wis-diligent diligently to fast flaming nafsumu muted. And of course while you continue to learn, sharpen skills, and identify more in Islam, do not forget the positive perbanyak: ngaji and sports, for example. Main gold thread? Halah, not the origin of so-so kebablasan! But, from the main gold thread get read al-Quran or kayak I Reviews I gaulislam in the bulletin. Allah is okay. Sip kan? Bro Sis en, living in a world that we prepared this brief to get the victory in the Hereafter soon. Therefore, yuk we begin to live with this serious and do not play. We try to pray and hope Allah SWT. that given the power to run all the commands and leave all laranganNya. Moga our success in the world and the Hereafter ya. How? How doooong! May God help us, amin. So, tetep girls want? I, Ah! [Samsi:
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