Sleep of the Prophet Muhammad Saw

If people do not get to sleep favors may be human beings who will be the most evil and suffering in the world, "is that? One of the rights that must be met by the body and eyes are sleeping. Sleep is one of the favors of Allah that there is no measurable value. There is a delicious sleep that be Allah has given many things to people. Somehow happens if Allah does not bestow favors people with sleep, and may be human beings who will be the most poorly and suffering in the world. Try to imagine how, if only we did not sleep for a month only. Brain we have and continue to revolve terpikirkan various problems, without a break. The heart did not stop to feel the heat, angry, sad, disappointed, they all continue to accumulate without a pause. We may face will appear pale, disheveled, and sunken eyes, sunken cheeks, body emaciated, weak and without passion, or even like so disagreeable. In terms of physical or psychiatric, not including the picture of human suffering and the very poor? Therefore, the bed is a grace that is always in syukuri should by all human beings on earth. But that is a problem, how should people give favors to sleep? One way to give favors to sleep in a way that is menunaikannya with good and correct. Working on all aspects related to sleep with a good grace, from the start when trying to sleep up to wake up after sleeping. And for all that, the leader of all Muslims in the world, Prophet Muhammad saw has provided much information about how Muslims should treat sleep favors that Allah has been awarded to him. Prophet Muhammad saw always treat sleep with good ethics. Prophet Muhammad saw never sleep, keduali with the ethics of good sleep. "Indeed, there have been at the (self) He is a good example for good (is) for those who pray (mercy) and God (arrival) Day of Resurrection, and he mentions God a lot." (QS. Al Ahzab: 21) As a paragon of good, Prophet Muhammad saw was a lot to give examples of how setting a good sleep. Here are some ethics that sleeping with the teachings of Islam according to which there is in the hadith-hadith Prophet Muhammad saw: 1. Akan Berwudhu when sleeping "If you want to pembaringan (sleep), then let berwudhu first to do wudhumu as prayer." (Al-Bukhari HR. No. No Muslim and 247. 2710) From al-Barra `bin Azib, Prophet Muhammad saw once said," If you want to sleep, then berwudhulah (perfectly) berwudhu like you to pray, and then berbaringlah on the right side of your body. " 2. Reading prayer akan tidur Prophet Muhammad said if want to sleep on, "Bismika cor Amut wa Ahyaa" (With the name of thy God I am so dead and alive) When you wake up to bed to pray, "Alhamdulillahillaji ahyana ba'da Maa tanaa ama wa ilayhinnusur." (Praise be to God that have turned us after we die, and to Him we return. "(HR. Muslim) Al-Bara 'bin' Azib ra. said: "Prophet Muhammad saw when lying in bed, he put the hand under the right of the right-colored, while praying: Robbi qinii 'adzaabaka yawma tab'atsu' ibaadaka (Yes Robbi, guard me from Your punishment on the day You raised all thy servant). "(HR. At Tarmidzi) Hudzaifah ra. said: "When the Prophet Muhammad saw lying in bed, he prayed: Alloohumma bismika amuutu wa ahyaa (O Allah, Asma with thy mat, and I know I live). And if you wake up from sleep, he prayed: Alhamdu lillaahil-lladzii ahyaanaa ba'da Maa amaatanaa wa ilayhin-nusyuur (Praise be to God, who have turned me off the back after me, and to place him back). "(At HR. Tarmidzi) From Al Barra 'bin Azib ra said, "When the Messenger of Allah is on the bed and he slept akan sloping to the right, then read:" Christ aslamtu nafsii ilaika wawajjahtu wajhi ilaika wafawwadhtu amrii ilaika wa alja'tu zhahrii ilaika raghbatan warahbatan ilaika laa malja-a-walaa fed a minka illaa ilaika. Aamantu bikitaabikalladzii anzalta wanabiyyikal ladzii arsalta (O Allah, I submit myself to You, set to thy face, to submit all thy task, and the rest to thy punggungku with hope and fear thy, no shelter and save themselves from punishment but only to the Mu-Mu. I believe the book which Thou sent down from the prophet who sent thee. "(Bukhari HR.) 3. Sloping to the right Should have been sleeping in berwudhu, as hadith Prophet Muhammad saw which means: "Berbaringlah on the right flank." (Al-Bukhari HR. no. 247 and Muslim no. 2710) From al-Barra `bin Azib, Prophet Muhammad saw once said," If you want to sleep, then berwudhulah (perfectly) berwudhu like you to pray, and then berbaringlah on the right side of your body. " 4. Placing hands under the right cheek "Prophet Muhammad saw, when put to sleep right hand under the right cheek." (Abu David HR. no. 5045, At Tirmidzi No. 3395, Ibn Majah no. 3877 and Ibn Hibban No. 2350) 5. Read the letter of Al-Ikhlash, Al-Falaq, and An-hoodoo Aisyah ra. said: "When the Prophet Muhammad saw lying in bed, he collected both the hands, then blow on them and read them a letter Al-Ikhlash, Al-Falaq, and An-unlucky. Then disapunya entire body that can disapunya with both hands. He started from his head, face and the front of the body. He did this three times. "(HR. At Tarmidzi) 6. Tidurlah early in the night "He saw sleeping in the early evening and the end of the night." (Mutafaq 'Alaih) "Prophet Muhammad saw that hates to sleep the night before (Isya prayer) and talked (not useful) after it." (Historical Hadist Al-Bukhari no. No Muslim and 568. 647 (235)) 7. Do not sleep with telungkup position (prone) Lo (prone sleep position) is the sleep position that God's wrath, Azza Wa Jalla. "(Abu HR. David sanad with the shohih) 8. Pray when awake sleep Prophet Muhammad said if want to sleep on, "Bismika cor Amut wa Ahyaa" (With the name of thy God I am so dead and alive) When you wake up to bed to pray, "Alhamdulillahillaji ahyana ba'da Maa tanaa ama wa ilayhinnusur." (Praise be to God that have turned us after we die, and to Him we return. "(HR. Muslim) 9. The former bed "Then Prophet Muhammad saw arise from sleep and sat down while the face with his hands." (No HR. Muslim. 763 (182) 10. Beristinsyaq, beristintsaar when awake and asleep bersiwak "If one of you wake up from sleep, then beristintsaarlah three times as sesunggguhnya devil lodged in nose cavity." (Bukhari No. HR.. 3295 and Muslim no. 238) Beristintsaar is Beristinsyaq and then breathe out again or give off water from the nose. "When the Prophet Muhammad saw to clean up the night with a mouth bersiwak." (Al Bukhari HR. No. No Muslim and 245. 255) Thus the Prophet Muhammad saw the rights of sleep that Allah swt has given him. And as Muslims who believe in Allah and the Prophet Muhammad saw, then Muslims should have the grace to sleep as examplizeing and that has been taught by Prophet Muhammad saw. Wallahua'lam
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