Ass. War. Wab.
And (remember) when We said to the angels: Sujudlah you to Adam, the sujudlah them except Satan; he reluctant and arrogant and he is of those who disbelieve. QS 2: 34
When the angels and demons in commanded by Allah SWT to kneel to give "respect ".... homage to Adam as ...... then all the angels to do ..... except Iblis who refused did not want to prostrate to Adam as. ...... and then ask Allah SWT ....
He said: O Iblis, what prevents you bow down to that I have created with both my hands. Are you proud or are you (feel) of the (more) high?. QS 38: 75 ....... and the devil is said:
Satan says: I am better than you because I am created from fire, while Y
ou created him from clay. QS 38: 76.
Satan does not want to just bow to the Prophet Adam as ..... makhluq to the creation of Allah SWT, Allah SWT ..... remove it from the heaven that has been so long in huninya ...... then how about the people - people who when the call to bow down to Allah bow down to you ...... all makhluq in creating the universe, including the Prophet Adam as the man ..... and lazy - malasan or not ...... menunaikannya Kira -- Kira PUNITIVE DAMAGES IN WHAT WILL give TO THEM BY GOD?
One of the only family member that we have a frivolous ..... - waste .... even leave the prayer ..... ...... so do not expect that the family will be close to the grace of Allah SWT .. ... close to the happiness ......
When the Prophet Moses as king after the defeat Fir'aun ..... Moses as public entities to build the Children of Israel so that they are prosperous life .... gemah ripah loh ..... a jinawi when asked by Moses as one of the Children of Israel. Moses .... O Prophet of God ...... is there any man in this world that more and more smart berilmu in compare yourself with ?.... At once as Moses in tegur by Allah SWT that science is not in punyainya is that God has given him only a few in the world .... and this person still have a more clever and more berilmu in comparing himself with ...... so soon as he repents Allah SWT on the rowing this ...... and ask Allah SWT for in the pertemukan with the people of God as told by people in a more berilmu compare himself with .... QS 18: 60 - 82
Tinggalkannya people in the Children of Israel, who lives in this prosperous condition ....... mecari to someone in accordance with the guidance of Allah SWT ...... so long after the children of Israel is abandoned by the Prophet Moses as ..... and when to return to his people .... the Prophet Moses and his people as found in conditions that have turned their lives ...... 180 ...... derajad was on leave at the time living in keberlimpahan mercy ...... become very miserable ..... far from grace of God ...... agriculture does not produce abundant harvest colored ...... trade with usury and deceitful menculasi ..... sea fish that do not produce as many first .....
As the prophet Moses to his people, conducted at the time ...... and that makes for Allah SWT and his people to steer rahmatnya is ..... ..... ..... kufur his people have not wanted to worship God One who does not establish the prayer ...... again ......
How many people around us who do not want to establish the prayer in the workplace ?..... us ...... we are in this country ..... perhaps this is indeed the reason that made this country far from the grace of Allah SWT ...... and there is a disaster for the disaster that never ends ..... the humans away from God's guidance and His Apostle ..... and they are the people - people proud because of the commandments of God. ..... like the devil against God's command to prostrate to Adam as he ......
Waspadalah brotherly akhwat ..... do not have one until the only family member that prayer ....... do not leave until there is only one employee in the workplace, leave us a prayer ...... because that can bring happiness in the family business to make ...... we ...... BAROKAH become seriously - sungguhlah antum all in this case .....
It's easy - that Allah SWT make us all ..... we are a husband wife ..... ..... our children - our children ..... friend - our friend to be ..... The prayer .. .. and familiarize themselves to prayer in congregation and on time .... Amiin.
Was. War. Wab
Ass. War. Wab.
And (remember) when We said to the angels: Sujudlah you to Adam, the sujudlah them except Satan; he reluctant and arrogant and he is of those who disbelieve. QS 2: 34
When the angels and demons in commanded by Allah SWT to kneel to give "respect ".... homage to Adam as ...... then all the angels to do ..... except Iblis who refused did not want to prostrate to Adam as. ...... and then ask Allah SWT ....
He said: O Iblis, what prevents you bow down to that I have created with both my hands. Are you proud or are you (feel) of the (more) high?. QS 38: 75 ....... and the devil is said:
Satan says: I am better than you because I am created from fire, while Y

Satan does not want to just bow to the Prophet Adam as ..... makhluq to the creation of Allah SWT, Allah SWT ..... remove it from the heaven that has been so long in huninya ...... then how about the people - people who when the call to bow down to Allah bow down to you ...... all makhluq in creating the universe, including the Prophet Adam as the man ..... and lazy - malasan or not ...... menunaikannya Kira -- Kira PUNITIVE DAMAGES IN WHAT WILL give TO THEM BY GOD?
One of the only family member that we have a frivolous ..... - waste .... even leave the prayer ..... ...... so do not expect that the family will be close to the grace of Allah SWT .. ... close to the happiness ......
When the Prophet Moses as king after the defeat Fir'aun ..... Moses as public entities to build the Children of Israel so that they are prosperous life .... gemah ripah loh ..... a jinawi when asked by Moses as one of the Children of Israel. Moses .... O Prophet of God ...... is there any man in this world that more and more smart berilmu in compare yourself with ?.... At once as Moses in tegur by Allah SWT that science is not in punyainya is that God has given him only a few in the world .... and this person still have a more clever and more berilmu in comparing himself with ...... so soon as he repents Allah SWT on the rowing this ...... and ask Allah SWT for in the pertemukan with the people of God as told by people in a more berilmu compare himself with .... QS 18: 60 - 82
Tinggalkannya people in the Children of Israel, who lives in this prosperous condition ....... mecari to someone in accordance with the guidance of Allah SWT ...... so long after the children of Israel is abandoned by the Prophet Moses as ..... and when to return to his people .... the Prophet Moses and his people as found in conditions that have turned their lives ...... 180 ...... derajad was on leave at the time living in keberlimpahan mercy ...... become very miserable ..... far from grace of God ...... agriculture does not produce abundant harvest colored ...... trade with usury and deceitful menculasi ..... sea fish that do not produce as many first .....
As the prophet Moses to his people, conducted at the time ...... and that makes for Allah SWT and his people to steer rahmatnya is ..... ..... ..... kufur his people have not wanted to worship God One who does not establish the prayer ...... again ......
How many people around us who do not want to establish the prayer in the workplace ?..... us ...... we are in this country ..... perhaps this is indeed the reason that made this country far from the grace of Allah SWT ...... and there is a disaster for the disaster that never ends ..... the humans away from God's guidance and His Apostle ..... and they are the people - people proud because of the commandments of God. ..... like the devil against God's command to prostrate to Adam as he ......
Waspadalah brotherly akhwat ..... do not have one until the only family member that prayer ....... do not leave until there is only one employee in the workplace, leave us a prayer ...... because that can bring happiness in the family business to make ...... we ...... BAROKAH become seriously - sungguhlah antum all in this case .....
It's easy - that Allah SWT make us all ..... we are a husband wife ..... ..... our children - our children ..... friend - our friend to be ..... The prayer .. .. and familiarize themselves to prayer in congregation and on time .... Amiin.
Was. War. Wab
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