Ass. War. Wab
You shall not come to righteousness (perfect), before you part menafkahkan property that you love. And whatever ye spend that Allah knew. QS 3: 92 Heartbreak guru ngaji so in view of the mosque near his house is 4 years and this development is also not yet finished that night ..... apparently he kegundahan heart tumpahkan to tercintanya wife bue ..... ..... Here is the mosque 4 years is no finished - finished ..... I hear from the superintendent that Jamaah ta'mir and development funds out ...... What if we are a motorcycle - only this time we give to the
committee of the mosque for sale and money to continue the development of the mosque is ....... She only hears what is silent just delivered her husband ...... he is right know who her husband was really ...... that is one - the only vehicles that are usually dipunyainya ...... he needs to use ngaji teach them in a house far from the road to ...... - jaln together with the two children are still small ....... so anything that will be made ...... her husband then he will follow behind with the mengiyakannya ....... sami'naa wa atho'naa ..... Morning that the head of the pack Hajj committee of the mosque so surprised and moved arrival guests pack ngaji teacher and his wife who submit motorcycle honda supra fit complete with a letter - suratnya ...... just how the behavior becomes infaq our mosque for the sake of this ...... look in the mirror with the eyes - the head of the glass panita development of the mosque menimpali ...... that simple - that charity is a teacher pack dibalas by Allah SWT with the reply of the Rejeki ganda ...... disahut directly with answers together teacher and his wife pack ...... ...... while Amiin to thank the chairman of the mosque panita joke ...... if that person - the person dikampung this pack such as a teacher ..... wah rapid completion of this mosque ...... lagian that construction stop because there were still many outstanding debts that have not been paid in the store building materials store ...... so it would not send the material again if there is no payment ..... .. Night pack ngaji this teacher can not sleep thinking about that last sentence pronounced pak haji before lunch ...... still many outstanding debts to store materials, building materials ....... then he wake his wife ....... he started talking to his wife the day after ....... before we submit our motorcycle to the mosque committee ....... I went to the bank to check the balance of savings sedianya akan we use to go to Hajj ... ... there are 6 million balance ...... debt because there are many mosques that ...... and that construction can begin ...... what if we take that money and we give all for the development of the mosque ........ wife just smiled, mengiyakannya without interrupt without asking ..... ....... ..... without the worry of what will be done by her husband ....... .. Teachers pack the same morning with his wife back home to pack Hajj mosque development committee chairman for the money ..... sujumlah 6 million ..... pak haji so vibrant and bertabur embarrassed himself with the word .... ...... Alhamdulillah ..... motornya bike pack behavior 9 million teachers ..... and still - still pack of Hajj is also taking some 10 million savings for the development of the mosque is insyaallah tomorrow ..... can we start again we mosque construction ....... Day-to-day filled with activities the next pack of teachers who teach mengaji which was to some place mengajarnya motorcycle use since that time then he do so with increased angkot ..... after prayer shubuh head teachers' pack that is so sick ..... so ask them to phone a few places where a normal pack of teachers teaching mengaji in the morning and afternoon .... pack that teachers sick ..... can not teach that day ..... right up to the 9 am ... ... headache pack this teacher be lost without the drug at all ..... back as sick ..... and I have a permit because it does not teach that day ...... teachers pack just rest at home while you clean - clean house ....... after maghrib prayer pack of teachers to come to this cafe front of the house ...... coincidence warungs quiet pak and teachers to order coffee stall owner's widowed mother is after the coffee ..... ..... mother made this small shop owners can ask teachers to pack to keep warungnya briefly because he needs that have direct iyakan with a nod in the pack by a teacher ...... Right at 6 pm it ...... a luxury car stopped right in front of the cafe is in the pak guard by teachers out ...... someone berbaju koko and trousers and white skull cap ..... walk to the stalls that there are only teachers pack ..... greets him directly in the pack by a teacher ...... then ask him ...... ground in front of the stalls that this broad land who ya pak ?...... oh ..... the land of pak haji fulan bin fulan home in the west of the house there, at most, in the village with this ...... thank ..... salam proceed with farewell people that continue to travel in the direction of the show does not pack a teacher ..... old mother and owner of a stall is to come and live in the capital during this ..... no buyers come ...... 10 days after the incident in the afternoon ...... 3 ...... mothers day stall owner was upset because warungnya stop in front of a luxury car out ...... someone who is very neat dandanannya .... . baju koko ..... white trousers and white skull cap and white ..... ..... ...... father said to him, this small shop where the owner Buk ya ?....... this is my small shop pak ...... ..... I do not ask fathers - fathers who keep this small shop ..... ..... mother is upset that the father is ..... lha wong me this have been widowed since 5 years ago ....... in the middle of talks between the IBI and the owner of a stall ....... teachers pack is running from teaching mengaji home ....... lhaa father is lo I mean ....... oh ... the pack of the teachers .... and then make it home to pack a teacher who is behind the stalls that ........ he explained that the 15 hectares of land in alhamdulillah front that is ready and when the transaction ...... he will remove him farewell ...... one small sheet of paper checks ...... 150 million in cash to teachers as a pack of expression receive love .... .. With tears buraian pack teacher and his wife is not able to receive as much money with menyodorkan check it back to the owner ...... can buy a pack of teachers to teach motor ....... Hajj can go both ... smth .. even with my mother pack ..... teachers can make in addition to the development of the mosque ..... diterimalah check it as gift from God ..... is the Most Rich, Most have ...... Determining ....... Most all things .... What God gave to mankind as a mercy, no one can menahannya; and are arrested by God then no one is able to remove it after that. He is the Mighty, the Wise. QS 35: 2 It's easy - that Allah SWT soften our hearts and hands in all the way to provide for the purposes of God ..... tegaknya Religion for God in the face of this earth .... What the believers, if you help (of) Allah, He will help strengthen and kedudukanmu. QS 47: 7 Was. War. Wab

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